Diana DiazGranados is a project evaluator and certified Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) trainer with Better Together in La Crosse. She holds master’s degrees in social work and public health from Columbia University. She started her career as a community health volunteer in the U.S. Peace Corps, working first in Lesotho in Southern Africa, where she worked to improve the food security and nutritional intake of students in rural elementary schools. Diana has also worked and consulted in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Peru, Kosovo, Guatemala and Bangladesh. In Kosovo, she developed and received funding for the country’s first post-war adolescent health project.
Diana has worked on a variety of public health issues including adolescent reproductive health, HIV prevention, human trafficking, disease outbreaks, disaster relief and post-war trauma. A skilled grant writer, program developer and evaluation expert, she has a passion for promoting healthy living, and for making implementation research and project evaluation practical and user-friendly.