WPR’s 2024 EAS Schedule

By WPR Staff

This is a listing of EAS Required Weekly Tests (RWT) and Required Monthly Tests (RMT) of the Emergency Alerting System (EAS) scheduled to be transmitted on WPR in the year 2024.

DAY DATE    TIME   COMMENT................................  
W   03 Jan  0850   Routine Monthly Test initiated by NOAA 
R   11 Jan  1259 
T   16 Jan  1459 
M   22 Jan  1059
W   31 Jan  1459 
W   07 Feb  2350   Routine Monthly Test initiated by WEM 
M   12 Feb  1459 
R   22 Feb  1059    
R   29 Feb  1259 
W   06 Mar  0850   Routine Monthly Test initiated by NOAA 
R   14 Mar  1059 
T   19 Mar  1459 
R   28 Mar  1259 
W   03 Apr  2350  Routine Monthly Test initiated by WEM  
M   08 Apr  1459 
W   17 Apr  1259 
M   22 Apr  1259 

W   01 May  0850   Routine Monthly Test initiated by NOAA 
M   06 May  1059 
R   16 May  1259 
F   24 May  1459 
W   29 May  1059 
W   05 Jun  2350   Routine Monthly Test initiated by WEM 
R   13 Jun  1459 
T   18 Jun  1259 
F   28 Jun  1059 
W   03 Jul  0850   Routine Monthly Test initiated by NOAA 
M   08 Jul  1459 
T   16 Jul  1059 
W   24 Jul  1259 
T   30 Jul  1259 
W   07 Aug  2350   Routine Monthly Test initiated by WEM 
R   15 Aug  1459 
M   19 Aug  1059 
T   27 Aug  1259 
W   04 Sep  0850   Routine Monthly Test initiated by NOAA 
M   09 Sep  1259 
W   18 Sep  1059 
T   24 Sep  1459 
W   02 Oct  2350   Routine Monthly Test initiated by WEM 
T   08 Oct  1459 
R   17 Oct  1259 
W   23 Oct  1259
W   30 Oct  1059 
W   06 Nov  0850   Routine Monthly Test initiated by NOAA 
R   14 Nov  1059 
T   19 Nov  1259 
T   26 Nov  1459 
W   04 Dec  2350   Routine Monthly Test initiated by WEM 
R   12 Dec  1459 
T   17 Dec  1059  
F   27 Dec  1459

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