How To See WPR Posts On Your Facebook Newsfeed

With Looming Changes To Facebook's Newsfeed, Make Sure You Still See WPR's Posts

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Evan Vucci/AP Photo

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently announced the social media giant is updating how its newsfeed works.

According to Facebook, the changes include emphasizing “meaningful” content, focusing more on posts from family and friends and less from the businesses, brands and media people like or follow.

But for users who want to ensure they still get up-to-date posts from their favorite news agencies, there are ways to work around the changes.

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Sign up for WPR’s email newsletter.

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Start by “Liking”

Liking a page on Facebook automatically allows a user to “Follow” the organization’s activity. So start by giving the page you’d like to follow a thumbs-up.

Set “Following” rules to “See First”

Under the “Following” drop-down menu on the page in question, you’ll see a few options. If you want to make sure posts from a particular Facebook page will show up in your newsfeed, select “See First” under the “Following” button.

So if you want to make sure you’ll still see the newest posts from Wisconsin Public Radio and The Ideas Network, like us and follow these steps to stay connected.