#1074 Broadcast – Featured Artists Include: Peter Phippen, Tani Diakite, Kran Ahluwalia, Intended Immigration, Akira, Rebel Tumbao, Ti BAnd L’avernir, Northern Cree Singers, Baka Beyond, Little Cow, Toumani Diabate, Raman Sawut & Osman Oskur, Staff Benda Bilili, Amadou and Mariam, Sweet Honey In The Rock, Tim O’Brien, Le Vent Du Nord, Carolina Chocolate Drops and much more.
#1074 January 31, 2015 No. 1
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1. Rebel Tumbao ‘Natural Mystic’ Alb Tk 2 5.10
New Jan, 2015 Release…this is Rebel Tumbao, a band of like-minded musicians, co-led by José Claussell and Matt Plumber. With a adaption from the song book of reggae legend Bob Marley, Rebel Tumbao open this edition of HG with Natural Mystic.
Rebel Tumbao, Sacred Rhythm Music, 2015
2. Gidon Kremer ‘Piazolla: Oblivion’ Alk Tk 6 4:07
Longing, Sensuality and raw emotion – these elements represent the essence of than-go as expressed in the music of Argentina’s famed Astor Pia-zolla – the late bando-neon artist whose composition Oblivion receives an interpretive makeover by Latvian classical violinist and conductor Gidon Kremer. Café Cubana, Rhino, 2006
3. Mercedes Sosa & Jorge Drexler ‘Sea’ Alb Tk 3 3:40
Mercedes Sosa, , returns popular throughout South America. Sosa became one of the preeminent exponents of nueva canción, and honored all over the world as “a symbol of life and freedom”, Sosa, 35 years after her début, remains a dynamic and inspiring figure. From her last collective of recordings Sosa, joined by Zhu-orguh Drexler presents Say-ah (Sea). Cantora , Sony, 2009
4. Peter Phippen & Friends ‘Poet’s Reverie’ Alb Tk 1 4:37
The pastoral emotive expression of flautist Peter Phippen, combined with the hypnotic atmosphere created by folk harp and crystal bowls negotiated by multimedia artist Enrique Ru-eda and Rah-bi (Roberta) Crawford on, Poet’s Reh-ver-ree, a composition with a warm and spiritualistic texture. Sacred Spaces, Promotion Music Records, 2014
5. Kiran Ahluwalia ‘Tumba’ Alb Tk 7 4.00
Her voice is crystal clear, floating quite comfortably above a captivating rhythm – Indo-Canadian singer Kiran Ah-luwa-lia’s music is fascinating, her sound feels new despite being firmly grounded in ancient Persian and Punjabi Ghazals or poems. Ahluwalia sings Tumba a Punjabi Folk song ( The Tumba won’t function without its string, I won’t function without my love). Wanderlust, Four Quarters Entertainment, 2007
6. Värttinä ‘Tumala’ Sglns #100 Tk 15 3.33
Verrr-TEE-Nah or spindle is a Fee-nish band that enjoys traditional vocal music to combining traditional language and lyrics with modern music and themes. Tu-mala is a song of love that in part says, Come here and let me whisper in your ear where no one can hear. Aitara, Fréa Records, 1994
#1074 January 31, 2015 No. 2
7. Tani Diakite/The Afrofunkstars ‘Nungulunba’ CD 2 Tk 7 3:45
Tani Jah-Kee-tay, with his band the Afrofunkstars, and his n’goni, a West African ancestor to the banjo, and his plaintive singing, generously sustains the sound of African Blues. N’goni in the Wassoulou language means “hunter’s harp”. Throughout the centuries, Malian hunters, also skilled musicians, used the instrument and their trance-like music to appease the spirits of the animals they hunted, so as not to be plagued by evil spirits. The Rough Guide To The Best African Music You’ve Never Heard, World Music Network, 2013
8. Akira Satake ‘A.I.’ Tk 8 3:52
If you happen to Japanese potter/artist/musician Ah-key-ra Sa-ta-ke’s website, you discover his gallery of functional pottery with a narrative about his professional music background and performance interests attached to the banjo and American folkmusic. His odyssey into the land of world music inspired his musical appetite for African and Irish sounds – among others. Those influences helped craft the work he calls A.I.
Absolute World, Alula Records, 1999
9. Intended Immigration ‘Una Cartina’ Alb Tk 1 5.31
The ensemble Intended Immigration has a charmingly cheeky electro-swing sounds designed they say, to put a smile on your face and a spring in your step with Una Cartina, the title of the new 2015 album. Una Cartina, Wooden Hat Records, 2015
10. Pablo Menéndez&Mezcla ‘Lo que me Amarra Aqui’ Tk 3 4.54
Born in Oakland, California, guitarist Pablo “Mezcla” Menéndez is the son of blues and jazz singer Barbara Dane. Living in Cuba since 1966, he has been an indelible part of many Cuban music scenes over the past decades. I look forward to catching up with him during my upcoming visit to Havana. Menéndes and his band Mace-Klah render
Low Kay Mee Ah-mah-ha Ah-kee. Pure Mezcla, Tilford Productions, 2014
11. CarolinaChocolateDrops‘DonaGotARamblin’Mind’AlbTk2 2:45
The Carolina Chocolate Drops are an African American string band based in the Triangle area of North Carolina and rooted in the traditional music of the foothills and mountains of North and South Carolina. The Drops perform Dona Got A Ramblin Mind, the theme song from their 2006 album (TOS). Dona Got A Ramblin’ Mind, Music Maker, 2006
12. Little Cow ‘Viragok A Reten’ Alb Tk 6 4.01
Vee-rah-go Kah reht-en (Flowers In The Meadow) featured Little Cow, a Hungarian group joined by members of the gypsy band Romano Drom. Little Cow is names after a Hungarian Cartoon show. In Hungary the band refers to their music as the “cultural wedding sound” — which sounds strange in English, as well as in Hungarian. Little Cow fluidly handles genres and rhythms in gypsy, Balkan, rock, ska, pop, brass, and dance rhythms sometimes mixed and matched together in one compositon. I’m In Love With Every Lady, Yonas Media, 2008
#1074 January 31, 2015 No. 3
13. Angelo Di Pippo ‘La Danza’ AfroLiteG7 Tk 13 2:20
Angelo Dipippo is a world famous accordionist who has played on thousands of recording sessions gives us La Danza. Accordion Italiano, Good Music Record, 2001
14. Fullsceilidh Spelemannslag ‘Golden Goats’ Alb Tk 4 6.55
From the place called Shetland comes (Full-skay-lee Spay-Lah-mahns-lahg) with the dittie, Golden Goats.
The Authentic Sound Of Shetland, Songlines Magazine, Jan/Feb (#73 Edition), 2011
15. Ti Band L’avenir ‘L’Arevois Plus Belle’ Alb Tk 7 3:08
Tee-Bone Lahv-near’ offers a warm and under produced glimpse of street music in Haiti, best experienced without the electronic trappings sometimes attached to studio recordings. Lah-hove-wah Plew Bell-L’ (The Most Beautiful hove-wah) is a work inspired by the group’s quest for eternal love.
Haïtí Chérie, Méringue, Corason/Musica Tradicional, 1989
16. Johnny Cunningham ‘Neverbird’ Alb Tk 4 3:25
Instrumentalist and fiddler, Johnny Cunningham was a Scottish folk music artist instrumental in spreading interest in modern, tradition Celtic music. Neverbird reflects his commitment to what was a new genre in the early 1980s.
Absolute World, Alula Records, 1999
17. Northern Cree Singers ‘Squaw Dance Song’ CD2 Tk 13 2:18
Connecting the past, present and future, The Squaw Dance Song is performed the Northern Cree Singers from Sas-katchew-an, Canada. And though you’ll hear drumming in the Squaw Dance Song, First Nation music is not specifically driven by rhythm but is negotiated by the song rendered AND the melody. There are proper melodies assigned to different spirits with many varied regional styles among Native American nations and protocols that go with each gathering.
Voices Of Forgotten People: Traditional Music of Indigenous People, Elipse Arts, 1993
18. Sibongile Khumalo ‘Mayihlome’ Alb Tk 4 3.52
The gifted singer (See-bone-ghee-lay Koo Mahl-oh) is a South African singer born in Soweto and guided by her father, a professor of music. She studied violin, singing, drama and dance. Appearing on the recording Women Of Africa on Putumayo Records, Khumalo raises a battle cry against HIV/Aids in South Africa on the song My Hlome ay. Women Of Africa, Putumayo, 2004
19. Shruti Sadolikar ‘Sri Jagadamba’ Alb Tk 12 4:53
Sh-ruti Sa-do-likar is an Indian classical singer-an Award winning one at that for her Hindustani vocal music. Sadolikar renders Sri Jagadamba is about a group of highly valued pearls. Gifted: Women Of The World, Real World Records, 2012
#1074 January 31, 2015 No. 4
20. Baluji Shrivastav ‘Ila’s Dance’ Cmpl CD1 Tk 5 4.10
With more than 30 indigenous instruments included, this is the work Il’as Dance featuring Ba-lu-ji Shri-va-stav and a musical glimpse of what can musically happen when you blend Indian and Western musical cultures.
Discover World Music, ARC Music Productions, 2015
21. Jaume Compte ‘De Pedra’ Alb Tk 3 4.55
One of the clear influences in the music of Jau-me Comp-te has been traditional Balkan music, with its combination of emotional and revelry intensity. Featuring the tune L’equipatge, Jaume Compte reencounters his inspiration from the form and all of its nuances. Tariq, ARC Music Productions, 2014
22. Terra Guitarra “North Country’ Alb Tk 7 3.18
Bruce Hecksel and Julie Patchouli are lifelong students of music, and accomplished multi-instrumentalists. Both studied at the Old Town School of Folk Music in Chicago, having performed together for 14 years with 16 CD releases. This award winning duo showcase their smooth jazz-neuvo flamenco project Terra Guitarra with North Country. Firelight, Earthsign Records, 2014
23. Jontre ‘Locuraleza’ Cmpl Tk 2 2:51
The new sound of Latin music is Hohn-three, from Colombia. His music is a mix of Latin and Afro-American grooves with Colombian flavor. Hohn-Three applies his talents to
Lo-cu-ra-le-sa. Latin Beat, Putumayo World Music, 2012
24. Javier Ruibal ‘Isla Mujeres’ World – 2002 CD 1 Tk 5 4.46
(Hah-vee-air Ree-bahl) is a Spanish musician and songwriter. Javier Ruibal was born in El Puerto de Santa María, province of Cadiz in southern Spain. His first album, called Duna, was released in 1983. He is highly considered for his vocal talents and for blending different music styles such as flamenco, jazz and Maghreb music and developing a personal brand. He plays the guitar and is usually accompanied by another guitar player, first Antonio Toledo and since around 2000 the gypsy Tito Alcedo.
World 2002, Narada, 2002
25. Razia Said ‘Salamalama Aby’ Alb Tk 4 3.23
Madagascar’s Razia Said issues a Soulful and Poignant Musical Call for an End to Environmental and Cultural Destruction in her Native Land on her album Zebu Nation with songs like Salamalama-lets rejoice and overcome our differences of age, origin and color she sings. Thiere is only one life. The sun is knocking at the doors of each house in the village. Zebu Nation, Cumbancha, 2010
#1074 January 31, 2015 No. 5
26. Zimbabwe Cha Cha Cha Kings‘Runako Rwemwana’ RkSol Tk 9 6.56
With the song Runako Rwemwana (My daughter’s beauty), the Zimbabwe Cha Cha Kings who reigned among the late 1980s an early 90s jit bands are still active today despite the fact that little of their music has reached the international market. Featuring the work Runako Rwenwana, tthis is their sound.
Zimbabwe Frontline Vol. 3 – Roots Rock Guitar Party, Stern’s 1999
27. Batch Gueye Band ‘M’beugel’ CD 2 Tk 2 3:10
The Batch Gue-ye Band from Senegal, lead by the golden voice of Batch Gueye has an equally rich sound as heard on M’ Buh-Zhell.
The Rough Guide To The Best African Music You’ve Never Heard, World Music Network, 2013
28. Baka Beyond ‘Ohureo’ Cmpl Tk 6 6:51
Musical journeys often include collaborations, partnerships rooted in what I call ‘good community’ where all participants gain – from the work and build relationships. Baka Beyond edifies this idea as a bridge between the Baka Pygmies of Camaroon and British musician Martin Cra-dick and his wife Sue Hart. O-hu-re-o is an old Scot’s Gaelic folk song – it takes on a new mood and meaning with the attached Baka groove infused into the music. Travel The World With Putumayo, Putumayo World Music, 1997
29. Orlando Consort ‘Vos Quid Admiramini / Gratissima Virginis Species’ Alb Tk 3 3:22
Orlando Consort is a British vocal consort which is best known for performing renaissance choral music one voice to a part. The Orlando Consort performs Vos Quid Ahd-mir-ah-mini (You Have To Wonder) combined with Grah-tee-sima Vir-gee-nees Spey-chess-sha (the Most Welcomed Virgin) from their album The Art of Polyphony. The Art Of Polyphony, The Orlando Consort, 2005
30. Toumani Diabaté ‘Single’ CD 1 Tk 5 4:59
Malian born kora artist Toumani Diabaté calls this work “Single”.
BBC Radio Awards For World Music ’07, Union Square Music, 2007
31. Tedeschi Trucks Band ‘Midnight In Harlem’ Alb Tk 3 5:53
The Tede-schi Trucks Band, Led by one of the most dynamic wife-husband teams in popular music, singer-guitarist Susan Tede-schi and slide guitar virtuoso Derek Trucks, and an 11-piece ensemble for lovers of rock and delta blues that also pays homage to the far-ranging influences of funk, gospel, jazz and world music. From their new album Revelator, the Tede-shi Trucks Band performs Midnight In Harlem.
Revelator, Masterworks, 2011
#1074 January 31, 2015 No. 6
32. Juba Dance “Momma Holds Child’ #712 Tk 8 2:13
This next group takes their name from the juba dance – a style of dance that originated in West Africa that found a new residence in the America using no rhythm instruments which were not allowed on plantations of the enslaved for fear of secret codes that might be emitted from the drumming. Tap dance grows out of this tradition. Juba Dance the musical group calls their work Momma Holds Child.
Orange, Audio 8 Recordings, 2007
33. 9P Femi Kuti ‘Truth Don Die’ Cmpl Tk 7 6:16
Kemi Kuti, Nigerian musician and the eldest son of afrobeat pioneer Fela Kuti embodies his father’s musical spirit through the tune Truth Don Die. Legends Of Africa, RiSA, 2010
34. Camille ‘Ta Douleur’ CD1 Tk 1 3:11
Kye-mee-uh Dahl-may, better known by just Kye-me-uh is a French singer/songwriter and an actor with a developed interest in bossa nova and American stage musicals. This is Kye-mee-uh and the song Ta Dou-layr (Your Pain).
BBC Radio Awards For World Music ’07, Union Square Music, 2007
35. António Zambujo ‘Algo Estranho Acontece’ Alb Tk 3 3:34
The genre of fado has a new face and application with artist (Ahn-toe-nee-oh Zahm-Booze-Zhu) influenced by tradition and modernity from folks like Amalia Rodrigues, Chet Baker and Joao Gilberto. He renders I’ll-go SS-strayn-yoh’ Ah-cone-teh-see (Something Strange Happens). Quinto, World Village, 2012
36. Sarah-Jane Summers&Juhani Silvola ‘Itzikel’ Sgls#99 Tk 10 6:07
Generally, the Scottish-Fin-nish duo Sarah-Jane Summers and Ju-hani Sil-vola deliver a sensitive array of jig, strath-speys, and lamenting ballads rooted in Summers’ Scottish Highlands Background. The song It-zi-kel or Issac, is a rendition of a Eastern European Jewish tune. Sarah-Jane Summers & Juhani Silvola, Dell Daisy Records, 2013
37. Raman Sawut & Osman Oskur ‘Nazirkhom’ CD2 Tk 4 3:22
Here’s an instrumental folksong from northwestern China, featuring reeded horn and percussion with performers Raman Sa-wut and Osman Os-kur present Nazirk-hom.
Voices Of Forgotten People: Traditional Music of Indigenous People, Elipse Arts, 1993
39. Rebel Tumbao ‘Them Belly Full/El Refugio/La Protesta’ Tk 4 7.11
New Jan, 2015 Release…Bob Marley’s…
Rebel Tumbao, Sacred Rhythm Music, 2015
#1074 January 31, 2015 No. 7
8P Opening
1. Sweet Honey In The Rock ‘Give Your Hands To Struggle’ Tk 4 6:35
The a cappella ensemble Sweet Honey in the Rock, founded by the now retired Bernice Reagon Johnson perform Give Me Your Hands To Struggle.
In This Land, Earthbeats Records, 2006
2. Le Vent Du Nord ‘Le Diable et le Fermier’ Alb Tk 10 3:39
Leh Vohn du Nohr (The Wind of North) is a Canadian folk music group from Quebec. The band, formed in 2002. Their sound includes their countries traditions music through tunes like the one named Luh Jab Leh lew Fair-mee (The Devil And The Farmer).
Tromper Le Temps, Borealis Records, 2012
3. Tim O’Brien ‘Ireland’s Green Shore’ Tk 7 4:19
Here is Ireland’s Tim O’Brien with the tune Ireland’s Green Shore.
Absolute World, Alula Records, 1999
4. Mussukos ‘Mudacia Wana’ Sglns #46 Tk 8 6:06
The band Mas-su-kos, from Mozambique have long been stars at home in part because of catchy reggae textured tune like Mudacia Wana. Bumping, Poo Productions, 2006
5. Intended Immigration ‘Mon Gateau (Chatango Remix)’ Tk 2 4.42
The ensemble Intended Immigration has a charmingly cheeky electro-swing sounds designed they say, to put a smile on your face and a spring in your step with
Mone Geh-too (My Cake) Gateau, from their new 2015 album.
Una Cartina, Wooden Hat Records, 2015
6. Rebel Tumbao ‘Turn Your Lights Down Low’ Tk 7 4.49
Rebel Tumbao, a band of like-minded musicians, co-led by José Claussell and Matt Plumber. With another adaption from the song book of reggae legend Bob Marley, Rebel Tumbao presents Turn Down Your Lights.
Rebel Tumbao, Sacred Rhythm Music, 2015
#1074 January 31, 2015 No. 8
9P Opening
1. Le Vent Du Nord ‘Le dragon de Chimay’ Alb 2 4:39
Leh Vohn du Nohr (The Wind of North) is a Canadian folk music group from Qwuh-Beck. The band, formed in 2002, performs traditional Kay-Bay-qwah music, heavily influenced by Celtic music from Ireland and Brittany with French lyrics, diatonic button accordion, acoustic bass guitar, piano and mouth harp as featured on Luh Drah-gohn duh She-may (The Dragon Of She-amy) Tromper Le Temps, Borealis Records, 2012
2. Maryam Mursal ‘Somalia, Don’t Shame Yourself’ CD1 Tk 2 4:45
Mursal grew up in Somalia in a Muslim family with four daughters. As a teenager, she broke with tradition and began singing professionally in Mogadishu. She challenges her fellow Somalians with Somalia Don’t Shame Yourself.
Long Way Down, Real World Records, 2007
3. Carolina Chocolate Drops ‘Starry Crown’ Alb Tk 1 2:58
The Carolina Chocolate Drops are a African American string band based in the Triangle area of North Carolina and rooted in the traditional music of the foothills and mountains of North and South Carolina-the group renders Starry Crown.
Dona Got A Ramblin’ Mind, Music Maker, 2006
4. Little Cow ‘I’m In Love With Every Lady’ Alb Tk 4 3.35
Vee-rah-go Kah reht-en (Flowers In The Meadow) featured Little Cow, a Hungarian group joined by members of the gypsy band Romano Drom. Little Cow is names after a Hungarian Cartoon show. In Hungary the band refers to their music as the “cultural wedding sound” — which sounds strange in English, as well as in Hungarian. Little Cow fluidly handles genres and rhythms in gypsy, Balkan, rock, ska, pop, brass, and dance rhythms sometimes mixed and matched together in one compositon. I’m In Love With Every Lady, Yonas Media, 2008
5. Staff Benda Bilili ‘Je t’aime’ Alb Tk 3 5.01
In 2009, Staff Benda Bilili, the Congolese group made up of paraplegic street musicians, ignited their conquest of the world with their album, Tray Tray fohr’ (meaning very very strong). The international media became charmed by their enchanting music, energy and uplifting optimism. Staff Benda Bilili performing (Zhu-tehm) I Love You, have become a symbol of triumph over adversity. Tres Tres Fort, Crammed, 2010
6. Rebel Tumbao ‘The Story’ Alb Tk 1 6.43
Here again is Rebel Tumbao, a band of like-minded musicians, co-led by José Claussell and Matt Plumber. Rebel Tumbao presents The Story.
Rebel Tumbao, Sacred Rhythm Music, 2015
#1074 January 31, 2015 No. 9
10P Opening
1. Nickel Creek ‘Destination’ Sglns #100 Tk 2 3:53
Nickel Creek helped ignite the modern bluegrass/folk/pop/rock hybrid sub-genre with fetching numbers like Destination.
A Dotted Line, Nonesuch Records, 2014
2. La Bottine Souriante ‘Le Grand’ Cote’ Alb Tk 2 7:04
It’s always enriching to sing along with La Bottine Souriante, here they are with the dittie Lou Guh-hawn Co-tuh (The Grand Riviera).
1976-2005 Anthologie II, Milles-Pattes Canada, 2006 with Luh gone cut
3. Intended Immigration ‘Tout Tourne (2 to Tango Mix)’ Alb Tk 3 5.27
The ensemble Intended Immigration has a charmingly cheeky electro-swing sounds designed they say, to put a smile on your face and a spring in your step with
Toot Two-oh-nah (Every Turn) from their new 2015 album.
Una Cartina, Wooden Hat Records, 2015
4. Imed Alibi ‘Maknassy’ Sglns #100 Tk 4 3:53
Along with guitarist Justin Adams, Imed Alibi unleashes his Berber and Sufi-inspired percussion while introducing the world to the new sounds of Tunisia with an international flair on the work paying homage to the (Tunisian) Too-nee-zhen town Mak-nassy.
Safar, IRL Records, 2014
5. Siguaque Project ‘Alertos Da Vida’ Alb 2 Tk 13 4:31
The Maputo-based band, the See-gwah kay Project takes afro-fusion music to new heights with Alertos Da Vida (Be Alert To Life).
The Rough Guide To The Best African Music You’ve Never Heard, World Music Network, 2013
#1074 January 31, 2015 No. 10
7P Close
Joseph Arthur ‘Exhausted’ CD1 Tk 4 5:33
Long Way Down, Real World Records, 2007
8P Close
Adrian Sherwood ‘Majestic 12’ CD1 Tk 7 5:10
Long Way Down, Real World Records, 2007
9P Close
Cecilia Noël ‘Tu Condena’ Alb Tk 8 5:40
A Gozar!, Compass Records, 2009
10P Close
Pablo Menéndes & Mezcla ‘Hijos de la Mezcla’ Alb Tk 2 5.47
Pure Mezcla, Tilford Productions, 2014
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