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Public Protest Over Robinson Killing Continues

Ralliers Take Demands To Governor's Mansion

Breann Schossow/WPR

Rallies continued in Madison Wednesday, with participants calling for justice for an unarmed black man killed in a police-involved shooting.

A march Wednesday afternoon ran along a major avenue in the city. In addition to justice for Tony Robinson, a 19-year-old mixed-race man shot late last week by a white police officer, marchers also called for a living wage and changes in the incarceration and education systems, points they emphasized by stopping at the state’s Department of Corrections offices and a fast food restaurant, before heading to the governor’s mansion.

Jennifer Epps Addison directs Wisconsin Jobs Now. She said the Robinson case is emblematic of larger issues.

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“This is really a community injustice, but it’s an injustice not at the hands of an individual officer, but at a system that allows these things to occur,” she said. “So our hope is that we turn the corner, and that our demands are taken seriously and that people stay engaged and energized and in the streets until victory is ours.”

At the rally, Robinson’s mother briefly spoke and announced that her son’s funeral is scheduled for Saturday.

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