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Federal Judge Won’t Expand Wisconsin Voter ID Options

ACLU Had Asked For Veterans' IDs, Out-Of-State Licenses To Be Considered


A federal district court in Milwaukee has ruled against an American Civil Liberties Union challenge to Wisconsin’s voter ID law.

The ACLU had asked the court to expand the list of photo IDs voters can use at the polls to include out-of-state driver’s licenses, veteran IDs and technical college student IDs.

However, Judge Lynn Adelman ruled that expanding the list would require the state to continually update the law each time a new ID is deemed acceptable. She said it would also require constant training for poll workers to keep up with the changes.

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ACLU attorney Karyn Rotker said the ruling will unfairly restrict the number of people who can vote. For example, she said, veterans will “find it harder, if not impossible, to cast a ballot that’s going to counted.”

Because of numerous legal challenges, the law has only been enforced once during a statewide election in 2012. It will be enforced in the February primaries and April elections next year.

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