Regents Vote For UW Employee Pay Raise


The University of Wisconsin System regents voted today to pursue pay raises for all UW employees.

Regent John Drew says that raises are critical in order to reward, attract, and retain talent, and he says UW employees have gone too long without a bump in pay.

“The last raise was 1 percent in 2008, there were no raises in ’09, 2010, 2011, [and] 2012. There were eight furlough days in 2010 and 2011 each which amounted to about a 3 percent cut in each of those years.”

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The regents want UW employees to receive raises equal to that of other state employees. They also want the state to grant the system the authority to use institutional funds to pay for provide additional raises.

The system says that salaries for UW faculty are around 18 percent lower on average than those at other educational institutions.

WPR staff are part of the UW System.