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With Spring’s Return To Wisconsin, Test Your Gardening Trivia Knowledge

As Winter Dies Down, Warmer Weather Is Ahead

flower, snow
Melinda Myers

Spring in Wisconsin is here, and that means it’s time for gardening season.

Are you ready to test your garden knowledge? Here’s some trivia to help you thaw out!

  1. What are some of the early native plants blooming in Wisconsin right now?
    • Answer: shrubs like June Berries and Plumb buds are just about to open up
  2. What are some ways to restore native prairie, or eliminate invasive species?
    • Answer: burn, trim, mow, or even voles gnawing on crowns of the grasses
  3. Name an example of a pollinator you might see around this time in Wisconsin.
    • Answer: butterflies, bees, beetles

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Listen to “Garden Talk” next week for the answers. (Don’t worry if you can’t catch the show, we’ll post the answers here after.)

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