Deciphering A Smile, Free Speech In WWI, Life As An Alzheimer’s Caregiver

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

The right of free speech can be especially vulnerable during times of war. 100 years after World War I, we look back at how free speech fared in Wisconsin. We also talk with a former Wisconsin governor about his experience as a caregiver for a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s. Plus, a UW project investigating the meaning behind different types of smiles.

Featured in this Show

  • UW Smile Study May Help Us Navigate Through Social Situations

    We hear from a UW-Madison professor about a new smile study that may help us decipher what a person’s smile really means.

  • Restrictions On Free Speech In World War I Wisconsin

    During times of war, free speech is vulnerable to restrictions, and what is considered healthy debate at other times, can be seen as unpatriotic. And that can be exacerbated if some of the local population is associated with “the enemy.” One hundred years after the United States entered the conflict, we’ll find out how free speech fared during World War I in Wisconsin.

  • Life As An Alzheimer's Caregiver

    Life as an Alzheimer’s caregiver can be stressful physically and emotionally. Former governor of Wisconsin Martin Schreiber tells the story of his wife’s struggle with Alzheimer’s and his relationship with the person she was and the person she became later in life.

    Are you caring for a loved one? What do you wish you had known going in, and what advice would you share with others? Do you struggle to take care of yourself while also making sure that your loved ones needs are met?

    Let us know:

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Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Judith Siers-Poisson Host
  • Karl Christenson Producer
  • Judith Siers-Poisson Producer
  • Paula Niedenthal Guest
  • Timothy Shiell Guest
  • Gov. Martin Schreiber Guest

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