Simply Superior, October 25th, 2019

Air Date:
Heard On Simply Superior

Herb Bergson: Where is he now?

He will forever have a place in America’s political history as the only person to serve as mayor of both Duluth and Superior, and counts several achievements in both positions. Yet many will remember Herb Bergson mostly for an alcohol-fueled car crash during his last year as mayor of Duluth, followed by continued OWI convictions, and jailings, after leaving office. Now, he’s retired and looking to help others through volunteering. And he no longer has sworn off alcohol, telling host Robin Washington he lives just “three blocks away from happiness.”


Fall and winter fun

The weather’s colder – but that doesn’t mean hibernate until spring. Linda Nervick of Winter Fun 101 and Nikky Farmakes of the Superior-Douglas County Area Chamber of Commerce and Travel Superior give a primer on family activies from now through mid-winter that thrive in the cold.

Episode Credits

  • Robin Washington Host

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