Groups Pushing For Minimum Wage Hike Begin Get-Out-The-Vote Efforts

9 Counties, Cities Will Have Advisory Referenda About Minimum Wage On November Ballot


Groups supporting a hike in the minimum wage in Wisconsin have started get-out-the-vote efforts in several communities.

About nine Wisconsin counties or cities will have advisory questions on the November ballot about raising the minimum wage in the state from $7.25 an hour to $10 .10. On Saturday, a labor coalition led by Wisconsin Jobs Now sent about 50 volunteers door-to-door in Milwaukee to promote the Milwaukee County referendum.

Organizer Ed Jude also noted that Republican Governor Scott Walker opposes raising the minimum wage.

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“Four more years of Scott Walker? Holy god. It means four more years of families trying to live on $7.25,” said Jude.

Yard signs being delivered by the coalition urge a yes vote for the minimum wage referendum and for Democratic candidate for governor Mary Burke, who supports raising the wage. Walker said he’s trying to create jobs that pay well above the minimum.