Study On Mediterranean Diet Has Been Retracted, Scott Pruitt Update, Families Separated By Borders

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Heard On Central Time
The Mediterranean diet focuses on a high consumption of vegetables and olive oil with a moderate level of protein.  Meal Makeover Moms (CC BY-ND 2.0)

The Mediterranean diet has in the past been thought to lower risk for heart attack and cardiovascular disease by a significant percent. We find out why some of the studies that supported that claim are being retracted. We also talk about the scandals surrounding EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, and the difficulties of an immigration policy that separates parents from children.

Featured in this Show

  • Major Study On The Efficacy Of The Mediterranean Diet Has Been Retracted

    The New England Journal of Medicine retracted a groundbreaking study on the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet this month. Published five years ago, the study reported that people who followed the diet–which focuses on eating olive oil, fruits and vegetables, and lean meats, such as fish–had a 30 percent lower chance of cardiovascular issues. We speak with Elijah Wolfson of Quartz about what happened with the study and what it might mean for the popularity of the diet.

  • As Scandals Mount, So Does Pressure On EPA Chief Scott Pruitt

    As EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt continues dealing with multiple ethical controversies, the pressure for him to resign or be fired is growing. We talk with an ethics counsel who worked in several presidential administrations about the scandals and how they’re being dealt with.

  • Pocan Visits US-Mexico Border

    Representative Mark Pocan (D-2) traveled to McAllen, Texas this weekend with other Members of Congress to observe the situation along the country’s southern border. Pocan has been vocal in his opposition to the current policy that dictates that Border Patrol can separate children from their parents when they cross the border. He joins Central Time to talk about what he saw in Texas and what administrative changes he’d like to see in Washington D.C.

  • What We Know About Families Being Separated At The Border

    Children are being separated from their parents when they cross the southern border of the United States. According to the Department of Homeland Security, 2,342 children have been removed from their parents since early May. This is part of the “zero tolerance” stance the Trump Administration has taken when it comes to people immigrating to the United States illegally. But the practice of separating children has received condemnation from both sides of the aisle. We talk to Nick Miroff of The Washington Post to get the latest news.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • J. Carlisle Larsen Producer
  • Dean Knetter Producer
  • Elijah Wolfson Guest
  • Virginia Canter Guest
  • Mark Pocan Guest
  • Nick Miroff Guest

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