Robert Kahn

From University of St. Thomas:

Born and bred in the Boston suburbs, Rob Kahn graduated Columbia University with a B.A. in History. The summer after his junior year Kahn studied in Madrid, Spain. Kahn then attended NYU Law School, where was a member of the Order of the Coif, as an editorial board member of The Commentator, NYU’s law student newspaper, and a Note and Comment Editor for the N.Y.U. Review of Law and Social Change. After law school, Kahn clerked for Magistrate-Judge Leonard I. Bernikow of the Southern District of New York and litigated social security disability cases with Harlem Legal Services.

Kahn also has a PhD in Political Science from Johns Hopkins University, where he studied comparative law and politics with an emphasis on comparative criminal procedure. In 2004 he published Holocaust Denial and the Law: A Comparative Study. The book, based on Kahn’s dissertation, examines how differing forms of criminal procedure (adversarial vs. inquisitorial) helped or hindered the prosecution of Holocaust denial. Kahn’s subsequent research has focused on hate speech directed at Muslims (including the Danish Cartoons), defamation of religions, cross-burning and memory laws. Kahn is currently working on a book length manuscript on how history, culture and geography make a society more or less likely to punish hate speech.

Kahn has taught legal writing for over a decade. At Brooklyn Law School, he taught Legal Research, Writing and Analysis and Fundamentals of Legal Drafting. In 2007, he joined the University of St. Thomas faculty, where he has taught Lawyering Skills I and II, and Islam and Civil Liberties. He has also supervised independent studies on a wide variety of subjects including animal law, drones, immigration and Islamic finance.

Kahn lives with his wife Jacqueline and his two children, Jenny and Jimmy, in St. Paul. When not going hiking or playing Magic: The Gathering with his children, Kahn closely follows the fate of the Boston Celtics, Boston Red Sox, and New England Patriots.

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