Dr. Jerry Hoepner is a Professor at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. He began teaching for UWEC CSD in 2003. He teaches courses in anatomy and physiology, undergraduate research, acquired cognitive disorders, dysphagia, and counseling. His research addresses healthcare perceptions, video self-modeling interventions for persons with acquired language or cognitive disorders, counseling methods and training, undergraduate research, non-course based learning, and instructional pedagogies. He is a founding editor of Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences and Disorders (TLCSD) and editorial board member for Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders (CACD). He is an Aphasia Access affiliate and interviewer for the Aphasia Access Conversations Podcast series. He is a co-founder of the UWEC CSD SoTL Lab (scholarship of teaching and learning research). He continues to have a regular role in clinical contexts and supervision. He is a co-founder of the Chippewa Valley Aphasia Camp, co-founder of the Mayo Brain Injury Group, and founder of the Blugold Brain Injury Group. He also co-facilitates a Thursday Poetry Group for people with brain injuries and aphasia.