Wisconsin Welcomes Monkeys Ready For Retirement, Species Pushed Closer To Extinction By Illegal Market

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Izzle, a 14 year old rhesus macaque monkey who is retired at the Primates Inc. sanctuary in Wisconsin. Breanne Cyr/Primates Inc. 

Wisconsin is home to one of nine sanctuaries nationwide that offers a last home to monkeys who have spent their lives in research labs. We talk with the founder of Wisconsin’s sanctuary about the environment and what retirement is like for these monkeys. We also learn more about the illegal endangered species market that’s causing many species to be pushed closer to extinction.

Featured in this Show

  • Lab Monkeys Retire in Wisconsin

    Some monkeys who have spent their lives in research labs may now have a better chance to retire in Wisconsin. We talk with the founder of Primates Incorporated, Wisconsin’s only monkey retirement sanctuary, and one of nine in the United States, about the benefits of retiring lab animals and the unique challenges they face.

  • How The Illegal Endangered Species Market Is Driving Species Extinctions

    Illegal wildlife trade is high in demand, and the consequences include irrevocable extinctions. We talk to a science journalist about what’s driving the need for animals and their parts and consider solutions for halting impending extinctions.

Episode Credits

  • John Munson Host
  • Jana Rose Schleis Producer
  • Colleen Leahy Producer
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Amy Kerwin Guest
  • Rachel Nuwer Guest

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