Stop-And-Frisk Lawsuit Settlement, What Are The Smells Of Your Childhood?, What It’s Like To Be Uninsured And Pregnant

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

The City of Milwaukee and the ACLU of Wisconsin have reached a settlement on a lawsuit over the police department’s use of stop-and-frisk. We examine the $1.9 million agreement and what it means for both sides. Then, when you think of your childhood, what smells come to mind? Crayons? A specific food your mother made? Call in to let us know or leave a comment on The Ideas Network Facebook page. We also talk about what happens when a woman goes through pregnancy and birth without insurance.

Featured in this Show

  • Exploring The Settlement Over Milwaukee Police's Use Of Stop-And-Frisk

    A lawsuit accusing Milwaukee police of unfairly targeting minorities via stop-and-frisk has been tentatively settled. We discuss the terms of the $1.9 million agreement and the reaction from both sides.

  • Experiencing Pregnancy And Birth While Uninsured

    You’ve just started a new job and your eligible for insurance after your first six months. You’ve planned it out and the baby should come one month later. But the baby comes a month early and you have no insurance. This is one story of a women who finds herself giving birth without insurance. We’ll talk to one reporter about more stories she’s gathered from women on their way to motherhood without insurance.

Episode Credits

  • Judith Siers-Poisson Host
  • Bill Martens Producer
  • Natalie Guyette Producer
  • Ashley Luthern Guest
  • Molly Osberg Guest