
Burke Votes Against Property Tax Increase Considered By Madison School Board

Burke Says She Can't Justify Putting Pressure On 'Taxpayers Who Are Being Squeezed'

Mary Burke at Monday night's Madison School Board meeting. Photo: Shawn Johnson/WPR News.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke stepped away from her campaign on Monday night for a Madison School Board meeting, where she voted no on a proposed property tax increase.

Burke was in an unusual position last night for a candidate, facing a consequential vote just a week before she stands for statewide election. The Madison School District asked the school board on which Burke sits for a 4.2 percent increase to the district’s property tax levy. The other six Board members, including T.J. Mertz, supported the increase.

“Safe and well-maintained schools all require funding,” said Mertz.

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Burke, however, voted no.

“I just can’t vote for passing that onto taxpayers who are being squeezed,” she said.

When asked about the vote, Burke told reporters she still wants to increase funding for schools if she’s elected governor to reduce the pressure on local school boards to increase property taxes.

“We have high property taxes here in Wisconsin, and as governor, I’m going to reduce property taxes. But in order to do that and still have great education, you do have to prioritize it in the state budget. And what we have seen is cuts to education in terms of the state budget,” said Burke.

The state Republican Party issued a statement calling Burke’s vote a “desperately transparent vote just days before an election.” The statement also said Burke had supported policies that led to tax increases as a member of Gov. Jim Doyle’s administration.